Success Stories By Dick Kazan - Valuable lessons on how to succeed in business and in life
Entertaining and compelling real-life stories with valuable
lessons on how to succeed in business and in life.
The author is successful business, real estate, and media entrepreneur Dick Kazan.
Published on September 12, 2006

Would you like to easily meet and speak with people even if you’re shy?

Most people are uncomfortable greeting “strangers” and yet a brief introduction and a kind word before a business meeting can break the ice and potentially begin a fine professional relationship.

Here’s an easy and effective way to do it:

Start with whatever brought you together and then with a big smile greet them something like this, “Hi! My name is Dick. I’m a real estate investor and I’m attending this conference to learn about the current real estate trends. What brings you here?”

Now I’m no longer a stranger. My smile and relaxed tone makes it easy to speak with me and the question opens the door for this person to discuss something he or she is interested in.

Often, they smile back and introduce themselves as they answer my question. From this point on, by being a good listener, I’ll know what to ask as they discuss their company, their interest in real estate and inevitably, personal aspects of their life, such as family or hobbies.

They’re now at ease and discussing topics they like.

During the conversation they usually offer me a business card or write their name which makes it easy to recall.

Together, we qualify one-another to decide where we have professional interests in common and whether the chemistry works between us. Or we may simply enjoy each other for a few minutes.

And if there is some aspect of that person that warrants a compliment, such as a nice looking suit or a lovely scarf, I’ll say so.

Whether you attend business conferences, see people in your health club, where you worship or other places, introduce yourself.

You’ll meet a lot of nice people and by listening, taking an interest in them and remembering their names, you’ll become popular.

And as an added bonus, some may do business with you.

Years ago, my wife Anne and I were considering buying property in Laguna Niguel (CA) but we didn’t know anyone in that area. One Sunday afternoon, I visited open houses there, and in each house, I introduced myself to the real estate agent.

One of those agents and I had a pleasant conversation and then by telephone, we continued our discussion. As we got to know each other she began presenting property listings that met Anne’s and my criteria.

Can you guess which agent; a former “stranger” made substantial commissions when she sold us what became some of our best property investments.

Success Tip of the Week: Introducing yourself to strangers may be easier than you imagined and you’ll discover that most people are like you, a bit hesitant to break the ice but very pleased when someone else does it for them.

In the next KazanToday: A self-made successful businessman who quietly helps the homeless.

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